What's That Coming From the Record Machine?

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"What's That Coming From The Record Machine" is a song from 1$T. It exists on select copies of the Kinky Girls From Big Cities Demo CD.


What's that coming by the record playing machine at thirty degrees, they wanted to greet you.
They wanted all your things in your back two pockets and hope they don't shoot
they don't shoot
I don't want it
but here's the thing oh look at who's talking
I wonder why those two punks are not rocking the place?
Still stuck in your maze

So look who's walking
It's all New York flocking
Well the apple is rotting
see a deck has got not only one ace
A struggling phase

Caught you round by the record playing machine
I wanted to greet, I wanted to meet you
I wanted all your things in your back two pockets and oh I won't shoot
I won't shoot I don't want it
but here's the thing oh look at who's talking
I wonder why those two punks are not rocking the place?
A struggling phase

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Sunday 19.Mar 12:48, 2023